Tuesday 10 October 2023

#TavistockGooseFair2023: The Spaced night before

 Well, its this time of year again and this is where my story tells no tales due to work being completelty taking over life at the moment. But this is the story of How preperations are last minute and how things will be a very busy time to focus at the same time as explore this event whcih has some changes this year. 

The vlog is below: 

The Tuesday to prepare: 

So its the big day ahead, with waking up earlier for a change to get the bus in with mum. Since this was going to be a long day ahead with edting nd seeing what the fair and event would bring, there was a sense of focsu and optimisim, but also work was getting hectic and the plan on making sure i've got the time for this is important too. So work was to be hectic, with people asking about jobs and one consultation after another which was even to be making things later. 

But then it was time to tend the day of work and Walk to the first visit at the Mount kelly end of town, which was quiet t get there, another customer passing on the way as well, that first visit did take about an hour and a bit which I then left in the dark, but it was tricky with the fact I was locked in since the flat had privacy mode on, which means locked in the entrance in the flat complex. 

By then it one more visit which was actually just a quick one with an old ipad and safari. but then it was 8:15 and time to pick up bits from work before a walk to the start of the exploring of the roads. Which then leads us to the first part of this years event. 

The Start to explore. 

AS I walked with my rucksack, I was passing the barriers and turns out it lead to passing the sizzler which was brightly lit up while other stalls were being built up. The main square looked quiet for this year and more clearing spaces compared to other years as well.  

The look at the square with Sizzler and a Fun house

The Caurosel in the guildhall car park

A look at the spar and seeing the fog from the main car park 

A Look at the town hall with the lights and glow in front of it

As I walked towards the road, it was getting pretty crowded, well of builds up of stalls and the like, which in its own way, which I'm not surprised on making sure the marquees are prepared in the dry, which to be fair was not going to be from what the future held. But as I walked on, the gaps were quite bigger than before which is starting to show the issue of what the cost of living crisis and inflation was to present itself. 

The Back look at the vans on the road

As things went by, it was seeing and hearing banter, there was a nice casual ease in the air, which normally that tension, but the weather was holding off and felt dry, especially after the heatwave the 2 days before. But I walked on and it was nearing more of the food stalls and the Carye foods lorries were the domineering big stalls of this year was a major prediction. I eventually walked my way to back lane of the path to the bottom of the car park, and it was the vibraation of the bass and the music blasting, the fair was here.

I first gazed my eyes upon the sight of eXtreme which was right in the corner, and in front was actually both a food van as usual but also a games alley of can't remember the name but knocking the cans over to win a prize. Then it was even a sight of a mini coaster which was one of the first times it's been in the actual car park for like a while or as far as I can remember.  But the XLR8 waltzer was there which is new and a revamp of one of the other prevjous ones for sure whicn in it's fine wisdom was the most talked about with the fair so far. 

eXtreme and the Side of the Funhosue Circus 


Crazy Frog

Over The falls 

A gap of path betwee XLR8 and Stalls 

But eventually it leads to seeing the tagada,  freakout and sizzler which were in the places that last year had been next to terminator, Phantom menace and even Freddy's revenge. But those were busy with crowds and the freakout was building momentum, so this time it was two tall rides. 

The Tagada 

A Wzlzter i nthe pure black frame or paintwork 

Frwakout in full not yet swing

So, it was eventually time to head out of the fair and then walk along the main strip once again, to see more of the stalls moving in and some yet to move in and setup, but some new additions of more game stalls and the usual food ones are about. But as it went further up, more gaps from ones awaiting to arrive were appearing. The Bus station was not as many rides albeit just Twister this time. 

The trampolin and the helter skelter 

The Helter Skelter 

The Road was getting a bit less filled up and vans with lorries were on the way in, especially with it being able to see the potential the Food Zone was more spaced out, but it kept dry and felt a tradition for it. 

A Look up the road towards the strip 

As I was walking up, I got a text from Mum asking if I was on the way home I was just leaving so she was insisting on me being picked up so I had to run my way to the old house roundabout to get the lift back, it felt like that was repeating last year and just I did not want that to be the case. The run up the hill past the canal's path felt nostalgic back in my day feeling, but then I got to the roundabout by the tors and I really just sighed and waited. 

A look back towards the town 

The Food and drink 

But then I got picked up and talked for a bit before going into silence and then getting home to relax and have tea before it became the big moment of crunch time to get the vlog up and running.  This led to the first start to be able to get the vlogs sorted out and even with the chance and facts it was going to be a long time ahead. 

But then it was soon time for this to finish and the start of the events to really begin. 

For them, 
