Monday 19 January 2009

Day 9

Well its the second Monday featured on this blog.

Assembly was about this person showing his photos of his 2 year sail across the Atlantic and around the Caribbean. The morale of this was to achieve your dreams you have to accept the challenges with it. He didn't actually say that i kind of worked it out.

I had Basketball in PE again. it was OK. I thought i done better than last time.

Maths was good. it was the last lesson on Substituting Formulae and it was confusing at some points but i generally understood it. Abbey had a caramel slice in her bag & showed Jamie it. It looked so lush and so thick (which i what i want her to be).

Break was OK. Went round with Sadie. I was going to buy her food but i ended up having not enough money. To be honest I really am starting to like her again but this time it feels different than before (in a good way). Sadie did she say she was joking about her desires to gain weight

English was good. In O Mice O Men things go bad (really bad) for Lennie. Nothing much else happened really except that Liv asked if I would go out with her if she gained a bit of weight. I said yes. Personally I would say yes to her if she asked me out at any weight but I would be extremely luckly if I went out with a stunning girl which also fulfilled my sexual desires (Having a girlfriend which is anywhere between 250lbs (18 stone) to 450lbs (32 stone).

Lunch was ok. I brought a drink for Roybn Hammond (Extremely stuning with, nice medium brownish to blackish hair and a nice personaltiy & bum) & Sadie. Then I found out my prom date (Jayd Linch) isn't going prom so im back to square 1 on that side after 3 months or more. Thats caused some problems. Then i was looking for Millie & asked her to prom. She said shes got someone for prom. Then Elliot Hoyte wanted me for some reason so i went with him to where Ruby, Lindsey, Leah, Janine & some of their mates were. I was there for a bit then April said Abbey wanted to speak with me so i went over to her & chatted for a while. I also chatted with them for a while with Sadie at break.

In Eletronics we carried on planning our coursework. Dan Gunell, Dan Westcott, Gary Jenkin, Rob Holland & others asked to borrow my USB Stick to copy some files off there to their work area.

Media was good. 2 minutes in & it was snowing outside. (only small amount but still good). We continued with the History of Quiz shows. I found out for all of my media coursework i got a C which is one grade better than my target grade which is a D. The grade i got is for half of my course in media.

I uploaded a video I made yesterday:

Sammy Place Studios: PSP Revolution Video 1
by omracer

Tomorrow i've got an interview at City College in Plymouth which i don't really want to go to.
